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Neutral Case Evaluation
Neutral Case Evaluation is an Alternative Dispute Approach in which a neutral evaluator, often times an experienced Family Law Attorney, examines each party’s evidence and listens to both parties’ positions. The timing of the neutral case evaluation depends on the specific case needs. Usually, both parties are present. The evaluator gives an opinion regarding the legal and factual merits of each side’s case and the probable outcome if the case were to go to trial. The neutral case evaluation can help remove the emotional component from the case analysis.
Non Custodial Parent (NCP)
The parent that does not have primary care, custody, or control of a child.
A written announcement or warning. For example, a notice to the other side that on a certain date a particular motion will be made in court.
Notice of Entry of Judgment
A court form telling the parties about the judge’s decision in a lawsuit.
The legal invalidation of a marriage; see Annulment.
Nunc Pro Tunc
When a court order is issued on one date but is effective retroactively (as of a date that is in the past); from the Latin for “now for then.”