Closeup of the bottom of an open book on a table


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A formal protest made by a party over testimony or evidence that the other side tries to introduce.
Law or duty that requires parties to follow their agreement. An obligation or debt may be created by a judgment or contract, like child support.
The person, state agency, or institution owed a debt (usually money) like child support (also called “custodial party” if the money is owed to the person with primary custody of a child).
The person that must pay child support or perform some other financial obligation.
Oral Argument
The part of a trial when lawyers summarize their position in court and also answer the judge’s questions.

  • Decision of a judicial officer;

  • A directive of the court, on a matter relating to the main proceedings, that decides a preliminary point or directs some steps in the proceedings.

Order To Show Cause (OSC)
An order to a person, on motion of the opposing party, to appear in court and explain why the court should not take a proposed action. If the person fails to appear or to give sufficient reasons why the court should take no action, the court will take the action.