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Temporary Assistance To Needy Families (TANF)
Time-limited public assistance payments made to poor families, based on title IV-A of the Social Security Act. TANF replaced Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC, also called “welfare”) in 1996.
Temporary Judge
An attorney that volunteers his or her time to hear and decide cases. Also called a “pro tem judge.”
Temporary Restraining Order
A court order, sometimes called a “TRO,” that says a person must not do certain things that are likely to cause harm that can’t be fixed. Unlike an injunction, it can be granted immediately, without notice to the opposing party and without a hearing. It is intended to last only until a hearing can be held. TROs are often used in domestic violence cases to protect a person from violence or the threat of violence.
Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials, before grand juries, or during administrative proceedings.
A written, word-for-word record of what was said at a trial or some other formal conversation like a hearing or deposition.
A court process in which the issues of fact and law are heard and decided according to legal procedures so a judicial officer can make a decision in the case.
Trial Court
The first court to consider a case, generally the superior court.